You Aren't God!

“Well, I’m glad you aren’t God!” I heard my colleague say to the representative of the protest organized by a group called Action4Canada.  The Christian (and political) representation in this group  is right winged and confident that they are speaking the truth as God planned it! I was among those who stood in solidarity with Pictou County Pride. It is fair to say that the seven ministers who stood together have a different take on God’s inclusive message of love, one expressed through the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

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Marie Slivocka
Hearts on Fire

My heart was strangely warmed this week, maybe more than once, but let me share this one time. At Trinity, we lost a wonderful, long-time parishioner. Ron McNutt had literally just had his 91st birthday when he was found dead. It appears he died as he lived, loved and contented.

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Marie Slivocka
Called to See

“What don’t you get?” Jesus asks. The same kind of question is asked to Nicodemus, who comes under the cover of night, to the woman at the well, who in the middle of the day understands clearly, and to the man born blind, whose vision of Jesus is unimpaired. John, the gospel writer cleverly has each of these stories leaving us with a question that enables the teaching of Jesus to be clarified.

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Marie Slivocka
Taking Something Up

As difficult as it is to believe, we have just begun the journey through lent, representing the 40 days and nights that Jesus spend in the wilderness. During that time, he is tempted, and tested, and emerges ready to begin his ministry. His is a ministry that calls for teaching and healing, expanding his love for all and raising difficult questions for those who follow him to think about and act on. For us, lent is also a time for some of those things.

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Marie Slivocka
New Life

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of going to a movie. It’s an indulgence of time and money that I don’t often make. We joined some friends and settled in to enjoy Tom Hanks, in “A Man Called Otto.” I haven’t read the book, but the movie can certainly stand on its own. In some ways it is kind of predictable, but I laughed and cried, and when the film was over left feeling happy to be alive and more mindful that ever that many people live on the shaky line between life and death.

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Marie Slivocka
To Tell the Truth

To tell the truth, I’ve always been a little uncomfortable with the grand deception that happens this time of the year. Its not that I don’t love the mystery and wonder of the whole North Pole story, or that I don’t love the excitement on the faces of our wee ones on Christmas morning, or even the thrill of finding the one thing that I know will make the difference.

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Marie Slivocka
The Way

Camino is a Spanish word, that translates as route, path, journey, way, and is used frequently by people around the world to connect with a specific set of roads that lead to “Camino de Santiago”, the pilgrims' route to Santiago de Compostela; the Way of St James. Thousands of people from around the world walk that route on a spiritual, physical and personal journey.  It is on the list of adventures I would love to have someday, but for now, I will satisfy myself with my plan to travel with a group of pilgrims through the Annapolis Valley on a journey called Camino Nova Scotia.

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Marie Slivocka

Besides the change in overnight temperatures, making sleeping a little more comfortable, one wonderful thing about September is that many folks resume some sort of routine. Although we all know the liberating feeling of leaving a schedule behind when summer approaches, we can probably also identify with the steadiness a regular routine can provide.

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Marie Slivocka
What Might Have Been

This week there is nothing else to write about. The deep pervading sorrow and loss, in the wake of such a violent week has everyone captured. Some, much more than others, depending on how connected they are to the lives lost.

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Christian Allaire
​The Flip Side

By now, many of you are experiencing the second week of social distancing, or self isolation. Perhaps for some it doesn’t feel much different than most weeks…

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Christian Allaire

The sad news from L’Arche International, that Jean Vanier turns out to be less than the man we imagined him to be is now public.

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Christian Allaire

Annual reports, income tax receipts, nominations, planning for Lent and World Day of Prayer, those are the things that have occupied church administrators and ministers in this past week or two.

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Christian Allaire
Lead On

​Well. That’s over! The tension, the promises, the critique, the tactics prominent in the news and virtually everywhere for the past few months are behind us, at least temporarily.

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Christian Allaire

Like so many, I am very grateful for summer when so many people take time to connect with family and friends, have a break at the cottage, or take a little vacation.

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Christian Allaire
“I do”

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not boastful or arrogant or rude. You guessed it, wedding season has begun! One of the joys of ministry is marking the significant moments in life with the community.

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Christian Allaire
The Founder

We like to call him the founder of the L’Arche movement, but at the end of his funeral the words of the current International Leader, Stephan Posner stayed with me.

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Christian Allaire