Nine Day News

A friend, who had a long career in print media, taught me the phrase, “nine day news.” It refers to the stories that make the front page; a scandal or an accident, or a promise from some political party.

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Christian Allaire
A Living Hope

Let me begin this week by saying I love being a minister in these modern times. Even as I loom ever closer to the six decade mark, and even when I look out at my congregation knowing that the majority are older than me, and even when I wonder who will be left when my time to pass the torch comes.

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Christian Allaire
Mountains and Valleys

Many years ago, a group of youngish adults attended a “retreat” type of event with me. The youngish adults were leading a group of actual young people who gathered at the Gaelic College, away from their everyday life, away from electronics and expectations. It took some doing, but with a great music team, some intense listening, quality facilitation, and lots of good food, conversations that mattered began to take place.

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Christian Allaire
Let the Bird Fly

Tomorrow marks the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, not that it matters much. I expect many of the readers of this column didn’t even know the week had started!

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Christian Allaire
A Gift for Telling

The sultry summer heat, which had come to be the norm last summer, had not yet returned. We dawdled over the second cup of coffee, in the quiet of a summer house, with an idyllic view of Margaree Island, and somehow the conversation turned to our children.

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Christian Allaire
Peace Reigns

Malcolm, was always encouraged to take an interest in conversations around him, and expected to initiate conversation. The dinner was finished and during the cleanup his mother said, “Malcolm, ask Donna something about her new community.”

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Christian Allaire
To See the World Differently

Many years ago, when churches began to reorganize, based on the depletion of resources affecting it and many other organizations, I heard these words; “When the watering hole shrinks, the animals look at each other differently”.

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Christian Allaire

She’s called the “Queen of Soul” for a reason. Deep in the heart of Aretha Franklin, was a place belonging to God. Her commitment, her talent, her longing, her journey could so effectively be expressed through her greatest gift and offering: her voice.

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Christian Allaire

“Come away and rest”, he said to those who had worked with him, teaching and feeding and healing the crowd, so they got into the boat and went to the other side. Even there, a crowd was waiting.

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Christian Allaire

Although December 31st is the year end, the last week of June marks completion for many. The school year closes, organizations take a summer break, many choose this date for retirement.

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Christian Allaire
Faith for Today

A colleague once posed the question, “if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?” Instantly I answered, I would end war. My endeavor would be for world peace.

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Christian Allaire
A Listening Heart

We thought it was a good idea at the time, to bring goats to church. Liven up the idea of the good shepherd, with a story or two about what shepherding is really like, with a tangible image for people to embrace, touch, see and pique their interest.

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Christian Allaire
Speaking the Truth

Many of us grew up with the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” In that story, a child finally speaks the truth that no one else dares. Sometimes the truth is staring us in the face and we still cannot speak it, we are so invested in our version, or work, or tradition.

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Christian Allaire
Stuck in Neutral

Suddenly driving the speed limit is not an option and quick thinking is required. Hitting the brakes will make things worse, but sliding into neutral helps you keep control.

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Christian Allaire

By now, we have gotten used to the idea that it is a new year. Possibly we made a commitment, on the eve of 2018, to personally do better or be better.

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Christian Allaire
A Foundational Gift

Socks and underwear; that’s the “go to” gift for someone who has everything. It has been for ages! My mother loves to tell the story about the gift of underwear I got for my fourth birthday.

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Christian Allaire
Fresh Eyes

Years ago, there was a fashion tip circulating that went something like, if you want to see what others see, stand in front of the mirror with your eyes closed, and notice what your freshly opened eyes are drawn to.

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Christian Allaire

You’ve been asleep for two hours and suddenly you’re wide away. It must be close to daybreak you say to yourself, but the clock confirms that is it not even 2:00 in the morning yet! Why do we lie awake thinking about the things we cannot change, or what we should have done or what remains on our “to do” list?

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Christian Allaire
Open That Door!

Like me, many of you have been curious about the red door that found a home next to the gazebo at Glasgow Square. I have no clue as to what it is about, but curiosity has led to speculation on my part.

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Christian Allaire