"An open-minded, inclusive and progressive community, exploring spirituality together in a Christ-centered way."


The United Church of Canada held its inaugural service on June 10, 1925, in a hockey rink, no less! Our national church is the result of a union of the Presbyterian, the Congregational and the Methodist Churches.

Throughout its 95 years, Trinity United has established a proud history of being a central spiritual focus in the lives of many families in the Town of New Glasgow. Our first church building was the original Trinity Methodist Church, located where our current parking lot now exists.

Our doors have been open for almost a century, seven days a week, to those with questions or needing the comfort of Jesus.

Join us for tea, coffee and biscuits every Sunday at 10 am as we explore what faith means to each of us. Trinity welcomes new members with open arms. We know we’re not perfect, but we’re doing our best to live on God’s lighted path. Come join us and Have a Little Faith.




No matter your background, personal circumstance, perspective, or creed, everyone is welcome within Trinity to take part in services, volunteer, join community classes, events, and any other community project run by its members or within its walls.


By “walking the talk”, Trinity exercises positive role modelling within the community at large, paving the way for authentic and difficult to disagree with open-minded assertiveness on the community stage.


Trinity United sees you, your value and your shortcomings. Who you are and where you are in life is celebrated within our walls and out into the community. You have purpose here. 


For nearly a century Trinity United has played host to so many of the gatherings, ideas, programs, conversations and services that have sustained Pictou County and the East Side of New Glasgow in particular.


Tapping your foot or swaying your body to the sound of music is an involuntary act. The deeply spiritual capacity of music to bring people together and cut through our divisions is truly a gift from god. Music heals, uplifts and sometimes just plain helps the medicine go down.

A view from inside the Church, with our beautiful stained glass windows, and two worshipers.

A timeless part of the Community

Our Bulletin


Minister’s Messages


A New Creed ±

We are not alone,
we live in God’s world.

We believe in God:
who has created and is creating,
who has come in Jesus,
the Word made flesh,
to reconcile and make new,
who works in us and others
by the Spirit.

We trust in God.

We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God’s presence,
to live with respect in Creation,
to love and serve others,
to seek justice and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
our judge and our hope.

In life, in death, in life beyond death,
God is with us.
We are not alone.

Thanks be to God.

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