Kailee Brennan & Thiv Tharma

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For Kailee and Thiv, meeting new people is second nature. Their circle of friends has grown at breakneck speed, and includes people of many cultures and races, ages and ethnicity, long time residents and newcomers. Their home has become a place of welcome and an extension of their offices. Their cars have made many trips to “the city” in support of friends and in satisfying a need for a bigger place to hang out every once in a while.

That youthful energy has been a great gift in the employment world. Currently, Kailee works with the Pictou County Regional Enterprise Network in rural resettlement and Thiv is Director of Community Development for the town of New Glasgow. Busy as they are, both find time to volunteer at Trinity and serve on committees in their areas of interest. They have brought a ray of light into our congregation and on Sunday mornings, by zoom or in person, they can be found taking their place among us. They are definitely a part of the family, and we are the richer for it.

Christian Allaire