Jane Cameron

Jane Cameron

On a Sunday morning, you might wonder where the projection is coming from.

Behind the computer, in the front row of the balcony, you might see Jane Cameron, cuing the videos, or advancing the slides.

Using a screen for worship words and images is not a new thing to Trinity. Jane was part of a team from Trinity who attended a workshop on new ways to worship back in the early 90’s. She remembers pondering the idea about the “world wide web” in those early days and wondering how it might be used to enhance worship.

Projecting images and words so people would lift their heads up out of a book brought new life to Sunday morning, expanding the possible resources available and the way the congregation interacts with them.

Not so much interested in committee work, but fascinated by team work, Jane is quick to volunteer for anything that will keep her church moving in a forward direction.

The possibilities open to us with virtual worship are another new territory to explore, and Jane is ready.

Christian Allaire