
“Come away and rest”, he said to those who had worked with him, teaching and feeding and healing the crowd, so they got into the boat and went to the other side.  Even there, a crowd was waiting.

July is closing in on us, and I have noticed that the opportunity for leisure has been seized by many.  Relatives come home to be reunited with family, to bask in the sun, to enjoy the local food and festivals, while others have hit the road, putting some much needed space between the regular routine of work and much anticipated leisure time.  As much as we might desire it though, even on vacation, the clock does not stop and life goes on.  The cares of the world ever chip away at the small piece of respite we have designed. The best laid plans can change in a moment if illness falls or disaster strikes.

Even as Jesus invites his disciples to recharge, he doesn’t follow his own good advice. He is the one they’ve been waiting for, and they know that even touching the edge of his garment can make the world of difference. The smallest bit of his presence will heal.

The 6th chapter of Mark paints quite a vivid picture of crowds waiting to be healed and yet I’m stuck on the image of weary leaders seeking retreat. So much of his work depends on them, on their need to invest spiritually so they will have something to give.

Those of us who continue to lead anticipate a change of pace through July and August. Although we might lament “summer time crowds” we really do want to slow things down a bit. It is a time without the business and committee work that fills our agenda other times of the year!

With a change of pace, the warmth of days and the extended daylight hours, we are more likely to take the time to be in God’s world. What a gift to breathe in the salt air, to watch the birds making nests and raise their young, to study the world unaware of us at ocean’s edge, so close and yet so far.  

Taking time to rest means allowing yourself time to remember that we are not alone, that the earth is teeming with life we take for granted, and that all of it matters.  A moment spent watching the busyness of an ant hill or bee hive inspires and informs how we are in the world.  An ear attuned to the birdsong at dawn rivals the greatest of musical compositions.

In this world on non-stop commitments, perhaps the thing we need most is a moment to recharge in the world around us. A faith for today might be well served by the gift of Sabbath rest, if only we accept it.

Rev. Donna Tourneur lives and works and enjoys ministry among the people of New Glasgow and the congregation of Trinity United Church.

Christian Allaire