Lynne Lockhart

Lynne Lockhart

It is not unusual to find Lynne’s desk littered with receipts, or invoices, or immigration paperwork, as she sorts through the details to be certain the money is accounted for, the paperwork is properly filed, the information is stored where it can be easily retrieved for future reference. Often, in the midst of it all, Lynne comments about the overwhelming generosity of the people of Trinity, saying the response to requests for help are often “mind blowing”. None of us could have known how much the work of Safe Harbour would impact the role of the church administrator. Being able to do her part though, far beyond the job description or expectations, has been an essential piece of its success. Her response to that work is that “it is fulfilling to be able to help in a concrete way in a global crisis”. Assisting newcomers as they settle into our community and supporting the volunteer efforts of many of our congregation members in that endeavor, has been a privilege.

Our minister remembers that on her first day here, Lynne said “It is my job to make your job easier.” No truer words have been spoken. Certainly, our minister and our music director would be far less efficient and the workplace would be far less pleasant without her collegial support. The church treasurer would say the same. She just knows where everything is, and if she doesn’t have the facts in her head, she knows exactly where to find them. Trinity is proud and fortunate to have a person who approached the work of administration as a ministry in itself.

Christian Allaire