Cathy Hanley

Cathy Hanley

After returning to Pictou County in 2015 with adventure still in her soul, Cathy was looking for something to occupy her. She and Dave both went to the initial meeting of Pictou County Safe Harbour at the Wellness Centre that September, and that evening was the genesis of life changing activity. With the first wave of Syrian refugees, Cathy started helping with English instruction, then setting up houses for newcomers and eventually helping the teens with homework. Her work naturally moved to the places her skill set could support, and soon she was helping young people apply for student loans so the they could attend university and helping with some newcomers apply for citizenship. Dave taught three of the newcomers how to drive and has helped with moving the families, numerous times.

Although she never thought of herself as a part of the congregation at Trinity, suddenly the way this church reached out to welcome and support the newcomers and the community at large was affecting her. Trinity people were becoming her family. Five years have passed since that first meeting and now the habit of dropping in and chatting with Lynne and Donna seems as natural as it once seemed strange. “Being involved with the PCSH volunteers and newcomers has definitely enriched our lives” says Cathy. “We have found our community, our church, and our family here.”

Christian Allaire