Allan Davis

Allan Davis

Knowing that his work as Church Treasurer is vital to the organization, and makes a difference in the community, is satisfying, even fun, Says Allan Davis. Committed to Trinity’s success, to live into the faith the congregation professes, he believes that fiscal responsibility and accountability are of paramount importance. With the kind of outreach that has happened within the organization, it takes a detail oriented brain and ethical conscience to keep it all straight. Allan provides that.

With his eyes on the bottom line and his desire to be about God’s work, he estimates that Trinity United Church is surviving and will continue to thrive as it works through this pandemic, due to the outstanding generosity of its members. Having been present for every virtual service during the pandemic, Allan sees the value of continuing to offer an online presence, and in particular make the Sunday worship services available live on the internet even after the danger of the virus has passed. He has already volunteered to learn a new skill set to help make this happen.

Christian Allaire