A Message from Rev Donna:

We live in changing times.  

Even as I approach my mid-fifties, I often find myself among the younger generation at church services, events, activities, and in meetings. I encourage thinking and sharing our doubts as part of growing in faith.

While I firmly believe that age is irrelevant in building relationship, I do ponder what the next generation of leadership will look like and what allegiances to the church remain. For many, church feels so irrelevant. In some ways it really doesn’t matter. Love never dies, even if it is felt in new ways.It is so late to ponder these questions. It seems like we have been satisfied for so long to watch our world change and expect church to always be the same. There is a kind of comfort in an ever changing world to know that the church will not change and a faulty idea that it has always been correct. Certainly the sense of urgency about change does not feel the same when you are past the midpoint of life.

Yet, the expectation baffles me. While I believe that God’s love, however you define it, is unchanging, I see so many ways the church is called to respond anew in a hurting world. Church leaders are bombarded with the challenge to make the message relevant in a time when three years is considered a generation gap. 

Websites are one way we have sought to connect with each other, and to keep the readers up to date with what is going on. I am excited to be a part of this new approach, but whatever happens here pales in comparison to being together in crisis and celebration, and in the ordinary days of relationship building.

Often, when things are going well in our lives, we remember what we have done right, all the support we’ve had, and are happy to take the credit. When we reach an unexpected bump in the road, which everyone does, we might be tempted to think it is someone else’s fault. I have heard people say “I don’t believe in a God who would do this to me”.

At Trinity, we are making efforts to connect people, to explore new theological insights, to build community, to embrace all of life, the joys and challenges, and to know that in all of it we are not alone.Join us in community, for a few weeks, and let us get to know you.

~ Donna

Christian Allaire